I wasn't a huge fan of Rayman. It was a successful platformer and spawned several sequels. I wish I could say the same for its developers' masterpiece Beyond Good and Evil, an absolutely spectacular action-adventure title. The game follows a reporter named Jade working with a resistance against vile aliens bent on domination and control of the world's citizens. You travel a vast landscape (waterscape?), dingy interiors and cleverly designed cities, controlling multiple characters, incorporating a number of gameplay styles. Why is it that all of the utterly fantastic games are commercial failures? Really?
49 - Call of Duty 2
This epic shooter was not a commercial failure, however. Call of Duty 2 is one of the most successful sequels of all time, spawning a massively popular franchise that would evolve and expand over time. Infinity Ward built a great game here, filled with interesting and likable characters, amazing set pieces and just the right balance of fun and difficulty. The multiplayer didn't hurt either. It was a big online hit due to its teamwork-oriented modes, tactical features and greatly polished gameplay.
48 - Final Fantasy XII
The Final Fantasy series is a big one. It's been around for more than two decades and has evolved steadily over time. SquareEnix shocked fans when they announced a real-time battle system for Final Fantasy XII, reminiscent of popular MMORPG's its time. Still, the gameplay turned out to be excellent; different but excellent. The story was only okay, a sort of political thriller focusing on a soldier framed as a traitor by his brother; an exiled princess, who was thought to have killed herself, who became a resistance-fighter after her newlywed husband is killed in combat; two street kids; and a couple of successful and cocky sky pirates in it, at least in the beginning, for the loot. What I like about FFXII's storytelling are the characters and the stunning script. While Vaan and Penelo speak as you or I would, Baltheir, Ashe, Basch, Fran and other supporting characters talk in a far less colloquial style, as if it were penned by a classical author. It's just so perfect, adding a touch of culture clash.
47 - Dr. Mario
Block puzzle games are great. They are addictive, they exercise your spatial skills and give you a sense of satisfaction when you master them. Dr. Mario was Nintendo's foray into the world of the block puzzle after the über-success of Tetris. You threw multicolored pills down a vertical screen stacking them and attempting to match colors to eliminate viral baddies in each level. It had some fun multiplayer and got pretty tough on higher difficulties. I just adore this game.
46 – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
I probably have spent the equivalent of the GDP of a small Caribbean nation in quarters on this game. I love this old-school beat-'em-up starring the Heroes In A Half Shell. The music, the simple but clever level design, the bosses and the humor just made this one a winner for me. It was at its best with three other friends, all with a fistful of 25¢ pieces. The devoted fans have beaten this one multiple if not hundreds of times and it still feels fresh with each play-through. I GOT DIBS ON LEONARDO!!!
45 - Mega Man 7 –
Mega Man 7 was an exciting entry into the long-running series as it was the first time that we got to see the original style of Mega Man titles in new 16-bit graphics. It also had a great soundtrack, fun levels and a renewed level of difficulty. The graphical improvement gave us a new look at the classic heroes that we saw only as an 8-bit sprite for 6 games before it. Mega Man 7 is a marker in the franchise's history, along side Mega Man X from the same era.
44 - Grandia 2
Religious struggle is part of the history of our world, and is the foundation of several wars. Grandia 2's references to Catholicism, war, and a powerful church's influence over the powers of state are abundant. The fantasy world which places a pious young acolyte at the very center of the battle between good and evil, perpetuated by a corrupted church who seeks to bring about their prophesied end of the world, is captivating. The twist of the story is devastating, effecting all of the characters in different ways. I love this game so much. If you missed this title, do yourself a favor and check it out, if anything for the extremely addictive, pseudo-real-time combat system and awesome magic attacks. I'm willing to forgive how horrible the names of some of the spells are (“BA-BOOM!” and “Shhhhh” for example).
43 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Guns. War. A nuke. Some Soviet dude in Chernobyl who gets his arm blown off. Amazing multiplayer that adds role-playing elements that allow your fighter to grow and level up, obtaining new abilities. All of these are elements in Infinity Ward's greatest game thus far. CoD 4 was so perfect that it became the staple for most shooters released since that have stolen at least one thing from it. It was revolutionary and intelligent with a terrifyingly believable story and great characters. It also has some of the most amazing and fun levels of any first-person-shooter in history.
42 – Ms. Pac Man
A classic. Some may be shocked that it's so far back on my favorites list. Still, I love this game. It's so simple in its design yet it remains a challenge. As the game progresses things get pretty insane, and it even had cutscenes... sort of. As I am typing this, that chomping sound is playing in my head. Over and over it plays.
41 – Diablo
Let's go kill Satan! Blizzard's staple of the dungeon-crawler had numerous classes, each playing differently, some pretty intimidating bosses and a great loot system that kept you playing, seeking more powerful gear. Diablo is a classic, reshaping multiple genres forever after its release, and it is one of my favorite PC games of all time.